
When it comes to helping students find the joy in reading and writing, the sky’s the limit for astronomy author, storyteller, and freelance writer, Joan Marie Galat. In lively presentations that blend facts, storytelling, and writing tips, Joan launches reluctant readers into books, without leaving anyone behind.

Students of all ages find it hard to resist the lure of constellations, exploding stars, and black holes. From ancient myths to the marvels of space, Joan also intrigues young writers with her story of becoming a paid columnist at age 12. By the end of a presentation, students will head to the library to take out books and appreciate the idea that writing can be fun. They’ll also know how to find the North Star.

Joan’s presentations, perfect for grabbing the attention of all ages, provide links to science and social studies curriculums. Chris Hadfield, Dr. Roberta Bondar, and other astronauts and experts have read and endorsed Joan’s books. Read their comments, along with with feedback from teachers, librarians, and students.

Presentation Details

Vendor Status
I have vendor status in Edmonton, Calgary, and other districts through the Young Alberta Book Society.

Why host an author visit?

Why invite Joan Marie Galat?

Arts participation encourages learning and motivates students to strive for excellence. Students exposed to creative processes develop skills and habits that improve their ability to be successful in the classroom. 

They discover the joy of creation and realize success follows perseverance and practice. Students gain confidence and become excited about discovering new forms of expression.

As well as frequent speaking tours in Alberta, I have toured in British Columbia, Newfoundland, Ontario, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Australia, New Zealand, and South Korea. Presenting the Korean translations in the Dot to Dot in the Sky series an international book fair in Seoul, South Korea and presenting at the United Nations Environment Programme for A Special Rendezvous for Environment and the Arts have been exciting career highlights. 

My experience encompasses:

  • Author talks at hundreds of schools and libraries across Canada
  • International tours: South Korea, Australia, New Zealand
  • Performing storyteller
  • Writing and storytelling workshops for students
  • Family literacy night speaker
  • School and library writer-in-residence
  • Teacher convention presenter
  • Workshops for teachers, librarians, and adult writers
  • International Book Fair speaker

Funding is available for writing residencies and some public presentations.

Contact me about the presentations described on this site or request a custom presentation to suit your unique needs.

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